2019 California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium
Optimizing Yield and Quality in Irrigated Forages
Quick Summary
- This symposium was held November 19-21, 2019 at Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada. It covered irrigation, economics, pest management, forage quality, and genetics.
Forage Irrigation Workshop
November 19th - November 21th, 2019 | Reno, NV
2019 Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium, sponsored by the The UC California Alfalfa & Forage Systems Workgroup & Cooperative Extension Services of AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY.
Now in its 49th year, the symposium is planned each year by the California Alfalfa & Forage Systems Workgroup, made up of University of California Farm Advisors and Scientists in UC Cooperative Extension, along with grower and industry liaison members. The comprehensive conference covered many aspects of alfalfa, forage & grains management from economics to pest management, irrigation and utilization. Videos, papers, and slidesets related to the presentations have been posted below.
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Schedule of Events
DAY ONE - Tuesday, November 19th
Overview: Water and irrigation management is a key aspect of high yield, high quality alfalfa production. This one-day workshop is a primer on the skills necessary for managing irrigation on your farm for high quality forage production.
View Workshop Papers (PDF) & Videos
DAY TWO - Wednesday, November 20th
Forage Cropping Systems, Water and Environment
Moderator: Glenn Shewmaker, University of Idaho, Kimberly, ID
8:00am Welcome William Payne, Dean, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, University of Nevada, Reno, NV Video
8:05am Implications of Climate Change Predictions on Forage Production in Western States Alan Rotz, USDA-ARS and University of Pennsylvania, College Station, PA Video Slides (PDF)
8:30am Rotation Studies with Alfalfa, Small Grains and Corn Earl Creech, Utah State University, Logan, UT Video Slides (PDF)
8:50am Benefits of Alfalfa in Crop Rotations Nicole Tautges, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)
9:30am Experiments with Flooding Tolerance of Alfalfa for Groundwater Recharge Helen Dahlke, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)
9:50am DISCUSSION Video
Economics and Industry Trends
Moderator: Earl Creech, Utah State University, Logan, UT
10:30am Western Dairy Industry Trends Rick Naerbout, Idaho Dairymen’s Association, Twin Falls, ID Video Slides (PDF)
10:50am Hay Industry Trends Josh Callen, The Hoyt Report, Twin Falls, ID Video Slides (PDF)
11:10am World Trends in Hay Exports Bill Matthews, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)
11:30am Grazing Systems on 3 Million Hectares (7.4 million acres) in Argentina Daniel Basigalup, Alfalfa Breeder, INTA, Cordoba, Argentina Video Slides (PDF)
11:50am DISCUSSION Video
1:30pm-5:00pm SYMPOSIUM BREAKOUT SESSIONS - 2 sessions run concurrently
Breakout 1: Pest Management
Moderator: Rachael Long, Uuniversity of California Cooperative Extension, Woodland, CA and Sarah Light, University of California Cooperative Extension, Yuba City, CA
1:30pm Clover Root Curculio Biology and Control Steven Price, Utah State University, Logan, UT Video Paper (PDF)
1:50pm Insecticide Resistance in Alfalfa Weevil and Related Implications for other Alfalfa Insect Pests Michael Rethwisch, University of California Cooperative Extension, Blythe, CA Video Slides (PDF)
2:10pm Approaching IPM Program for Alfalfa Winter Insect Pests of Southwest Desert Ayman Mostafa, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Video Slides (PDF)
2:30pm Sugarcane Aphid and Potential Strategies for Control Nick Clark, University of California Cooperative Extension, Hanford, CA Video Slides (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Breakout 1 Video
3:30pm Precise Control of Rodents in Alfalfa Fields Using Drones Yoav Motro, Israel Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; and Tomer Regev, Alta Innovation Video Slides (PDF)
3:50pm Developing an Effective Management Program for Belding’s Ground Squirrels in Alfalfa Roger Baldwin, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)
4:10pm Managing Weeds in Seedling and Established Alfalfa Stands Earl Creech, Utah State University, Logan, UT Video Slides (PDF)
4:30pm Glyphosate Injury in Roundup Ready Alfalfa Tom Getts, University of California Cooperative Extension, Lassen County, CA Video Slides (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Breakout 2 Video
Breakout 2: Grazing & Forages Beyond Alfalfa
Moderator: Steve Norberg, Washington State University, Pasco, WA and Mylen Bohle, Oregon State University, Prineville, OR
1:30pm Optimizing Management of Small Grain Forages Michael Ottman, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Video Slides (PDF)
1:50pm Simulated Grazing Timing and Regrowth of Annual Cereal Forage Cover Crops Carmen Willmore, University of Idaho, Shoshone, ID Slides (PDF)
2:10pm In-Season Management of N in Timothy Steve Norberg, Washington State University, Pasco, WA Video Slides (PDF)
2:30pm Teff as a Forage Crop Natalie Shaw, Washington State University, Prosser, WA Video Slides (PDF)
3:00pm BREAK
3:30pm Rhodes Grass: A Potential Alternative Forage for the Low Desert Oli Bachie, University of California Cooperative Extension, Holtville, CA Video Slides (PDF)
3:50pm Corn and Sorghum as Forages: Water and N Implications Nick Clark, University of California Cooperative Extension, Hanford, CA Video Slides (PDF)
4:10pm Utilization of Sugarbeet as a Forage Crop Steve Kaffka, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Breakout 2 Video
DAY THREE - Thursday, November 21th
FORAGE QUALITY MINI-SYMPOSIUM MAIN SESSION Co-Sponsored by NIRS Consortium & National Forage Testing Association
Session I: Why Forage Testing?
Moderator: Mike Trammel, Noble Research Institute, Ardmore, OK
8:00am Importance of Forage Testing: Linkage of Forage Quality to Markets and Profitability Dan Putnam, University of California, Davis, CA Video Slides (PDF)
8:20am Horse Nutrition Requirements and What to Test? Natalie Shaw, University of Washington, Prosser, WA Video Slides (PDF)
8:45am Importance of Fiber and Digestibility Analysis to Predict Animal Performance Dave Mertens, Dairy Nutritionist, Mertens Innovation and Research, Belleville, WI Video Slides (PDF)
9:15am Representing the Value of Energy, Protein and Fiber in Feedstuffs Bill Weiss, The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH Video Slides (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Session 1 Video
Session II: Lab Testing and Sampling
Moderator: Juan Solomon, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
10:30am Key Hay and Silage Sampling Protocols Jody Gale, Utah State University, Richfield, UT Video Slides (PDF)
10:50am How to Choose a High Quality Laboratory & Common Abuses of Forage Quality Testing Glenn Shewmaker, University of Idaho, Kimberly, ID Video
11:10am Standardization of Forage Testing and NFTA Certification Ralph Ward, Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Waynesboro, PA Video
11:30am Misconceptions of NIRS Analysis Bobbi jo Anderson, NIRS Consortium, Hillsboro, WI Video
Session III: Interpretation of Lab Tests
Moderator: Dave Mickelson, S&W Seed, Arlington, WI
1:00pm Quantifying the Potential Increase in Alfalfa Value and Identifying Molecular Markets that Influence It Steve Norberg, Washington State University, Pasco, WA Video
1:20pm Importance of Dry Matter to Researchers and Producers David McIntosh, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN Video
1:40pm Future of Forage Testing: What will the Future Bring?
- Panel Discussion Moderated by Patty Laskowski Morren
- Bill Weiss, Ohio State University, Wooster, OH
- Ralph Ward, Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Waynesboro, PA
- Dave Mertens, Mertens Innovation and Research, Belleville, WI
- Bobbi jo Anderson, NIRS Consortium, Hillsboro, WI
- David Weakley, Forage Genetics International, Gray Summit, MO
- Video