Virtual Field Day 2020
A day for Alfalfa/Forage
Quick Summary
- The 2020 Alfalfa/Forage Virtual Field Day covered many subjects, and below are videos and pdfs containing the information discussed.
Alfalfa/Forage Virtual Field Day
September, 2020
This 'virtual field day' was held September 22, 2020. Many subjects were covered including alfalfa varieties, irrigation, sorghum production and feeding, use of sugar beets and safflower for forage, and research update on hemp. If you missed it, take a look at the videos and PowerPoints below.
- Alfalfa Yield/Quality with Reduced Lignin Lines ā Dan Putnam, UCD (video)
- Forage Sorghum Types and Uses ā Jeff Dahlberg, UC Kearney (video)
- Alfalfa Insect Pest IPM Update: Aphids, Weevils, Worms ā Ian Grettenberger, UCD (video)
- Field Research on Industrial Hemp ā Bob Hutmacher, Dan Putnam, UCD (video)
- PE Selection in the Time of Covid- Lisa Blecker, UC ANR (pdf)
- Crop Manage Irrigation Scheduling for Alfalfa ā Michael Cahn, UC ANR (pdf)
- Sorghum as a Forage for DairiesāJennifer Heguy, UC ANR (pdf)
- Sugar beets and Safflower as Alternative ForagesāSteve Kaffka, UC Davis (ppt coming soon)
- Sorghum Deficit Irrigation ResponseāBob Hutmacher, UCD (pdf)
- Choosing Alfalfa Varieties for High Yields and Pest ResistanceāDan Putnam, UCD (pdf)
- Surface Irrigation Strategies for Groundwater RechargeāKhaled Bali, UC Kearney (pdf)